Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Law and The Reporters

Ok, so we have heard it all.

Section 377A in Singapore (yes, the one that criminalizes homosexual acts between men) is NOT going to be repealed. It will remain, to pacify conservatives and religious bigots.

And recently (I think about 2 days ago ?) our ST published an article that a recent NTU survey found that 7 in 10 Singaporeans feel disgusted with homosexuals (or something like that. If they can't be bothered to phrase other people correctly, I shall not be bothered to phrase them correctly as well, just out of my memory.)

For agument's sake, so what if the stats are correct ? Does it imply just because many people are disgusted by it, it should be a crime and perpetrators are potentially liable to be imprisoned for LIFE ?

Oh, sure, how about divorce ? Adultery ? Pre-marital sex ? Based on our conservative society, I am sure more than 7 out of 10 Singaporeans will find them disgusting as well. Should we then make it a crime punishable by life-imprisonment ? Or if only 5 out 10 Singaporeans find these disgusting should be impose half-life imprisonment ?

And the most vocal of all are the can't-recall-which-wing Christians, and I think Muslims as well. Since, by all of them, homosexual acts are written in their Bible/Quoran that it is a sin.

So just because it is a sin in their books, we should make it a crime ? I am sure adultery is also a sin in all their books (afterall, some Islamic countries still practise stoning women who commits adultery), why not make it a crime here in Singapore ?

Outlaw divorces, it will surely bring down our divorce rates...

How about free-thinkers ? Isn't this becoming a situation of imposing other people's religion onto me ? Isn't this unconstitutional ? Because having consensual sex with another man, is not harming anyone.

And at the end of it all, someone found the original survey that the group of NTU students did.

A matter of taking something and twist their words/findings to suit propaganda ?


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