Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Assistance Rendered

Someone contacted me to do a school project that involved homosexuals.

I thought I would be helping break stereotypes, or even just simply get an alternative viewpoints across to as many people as I can. Consider it social duty that I feel I should do, once in a while.

Besides, these students seemed eager and sincere in trying to understand homosexuals and what are the issues and challenges that we face.

It turned into a video project, where my interview was videotaped and they will present it to their class. (Of course, I am not the only one interviewed.)

Heard from them some time ago, that they had good grades for this project.

I am glad, and I hope that the hour that I spent, and the many hours that they spent in getting this project done, has got its message across to someone in their class. Even if it made a difference to only one other person, I feel it was worth it.


At Thursday, March 09, 2006 12:11:00 pm, Blogger TheJourneySoFar said...

Hey, do you have a copy of the video they did? I will like to submit it to the pelangi pride centre, where we aim to keep an archive of all these projects like a history.

PPC has recently been relaunched again and so I want to pass it to them lor.

Kelvin Wong

At Thursday, March 09, 2006 11:35:00 pm, Blogger Happy in Singapore said...

Ok, I try to get it. But it is not a "video show" per se, because they had to do presentation and not just play the film.

So it was sort of like a live narration in front of the class, and the video is just our responses. They still had to talk and give conclusions, etc..

Not sure if they taped their own presentation.

At Sunday, March 19, 2006 8:17:00 pm, Blogger lovin_each_day2002 said...

Hi there,

Did a project on this topic as well, wished that I had the chance to seek your assistance!


At Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:47:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey... thanks again for all the help that u have given us!!!! jan =)


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